Having access to all of the business data that you need is a critical component of success. As small and mid-size companies begin to grow, however, it can be difficult to continue to find software tools that meet their needs. Financial management applications don’t always integrate with an organizations SRM or CRM platform, and upgrading additional software applications often leads to another need an expense: upgrading the company’s IT infrastructure. This expense often leads a company’s decision makers to either postpone a needed upgrade or to focus their attention away from top priorities. It also can slow growth. Fortunately, there is a solution that enables smaller companies to access the same fully integrated business management tools that large corporations have without additional costs.
By turning to a on-demand software, or software as a service (SaaS) tool, it’s possible to:
- Avoid making an investment in software tools that you know your organization will quickly outgrow
- Access applications via the cloud without installing servers and additional infrastructure
- Avoid the costs associated with managing IT infrastructure over the long term
- Have access to the software elements that you need now – whether you initial need is related to financial tracking or customer relationship management – and know that the opportunity to expand is there when you need it.
When you are able to address your organization’s current needs with the knowledge that additional tools will be at your disposal when you need them, it’s easier to prepare for growth. By minimizing upfront costs while increasing your ability to access key data, you will be able to grow your business – making the impact of your decisions all the more powerful. With SaaS tools, you can track projects, manage staffing solutions, improve relationships with customers and suppliers, increase profits and grow your business – and you can do it all without the risk of quickly outgrowing your system upgrades.